Tag Archives: noise pollution

Edinburgh stressed by noise

Loud music, dogs barking and bad sound isolation are the main noise complaints that Edinburgh’s Environmental and Consumer Service receive from Edinburgh residents.

The main health problem occurring from noise pollution is stress says the Environmental and Consumer Service.  

BadVibes project aims to make the world better sounding and less stressful. “The idea is to get people thinking about the complex way we listen to and interpret sounds”; said Professor Cox, lead scientist in this field of research. “We hope to learn about what the worst sound in the world is, and maybe why it is the worst. This is important because noise significantly affects our quality of life.”

For some, the worst noise in the world can be scraping fingernails on a blackboard or the high-pitched screams of drunken girls.

Tessa Davies, student in Napier University, Edinburgh, says: “The sound of someone retching makes my skin crawl.” Continue reading

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